1450 was an eventful year. The fall of Suffolk, and now Kent was once again in flames, just as it had been in 1381. This time the leader that emerged was one Jack Cade.
Dramatis Personae
This week, a few new names
William Aiscough, Bishop of Salisbury: only a cameo appearance for this episode.
Jack Cade: Leader of the rebellion - again only a cameo appearance. Leader of the rebellion of 1450.
James Fiennes, Lord of Saye and Sele: Treasurer of England, and a nasty piece of work. Came to a sticky end.
Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham, 1402-1460
The Stafford family that are the holders of the title of the Duke of Buckingham, are of the blood royal; they are descended from Edward III’s youngest son, Thomas of Woodstock. Humphrey Stafford was a veteran of the Wars with France, and an elder statesman, and would basically remain loyal to the king and Queen, but be a voice of reason until he croaks, trying to bring the factions together.
In this episode and the last you said that the King last all his possessions in Normandy. But he didn't loose the Channel Islands, and there the British Monarch is still recognised as the Duke of Normandy. At least that's my understanding. But I'm sure an intrepid podcaster might get side tracked from his main theme to investigate, if he hadn't already sidetracked himself.
Posted by: Piran | Monday, September 14, 2015 at 10:26 PM
Omigawd, David. Are you really going to abandon us at the onset of the War of the Roses, and cast us back into the pit of endlessly-squabbling warlords names Ethel-something? You surely are aware of another podcaster, who is so endlessly enamored with the Anglo-Saxons that he just can't bring himself to 1066, despite a jillion episodes.
I really wish you'd keep up your march toward Cameron. You're so good, and (save for Mike Duncan's wonderful series on the English Revolution) there's been so little that's so thorough and entertaining as your English History series about 1066 forward. I hate to see you dissipate your energies...
Posted by: David | Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 04:24 PM
Have you ever read Ranulph Fiennes book Mad Dogs and Englishmen? It's a potted tour of the history of his family including the Saye and Sele line.I gave away the book so I can't look up what he said about this particular member of his family but he's very frank about his views on a number of them.
Anyway, I understand Ranulph Feinnes cousin (Nathaniel Fiennes, 21st Baron Saye and Sele) is a very pleasent chap.
Families are funny things.
Posted by: Les Read | Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 06:30 PM
The question I have about the Staffords is a bit of a plot spoiler; was Harry Stafford involved in the murder of his nephews in the tower of London or was his rebellion against his former friend Richard III in 1483 a reaction to the murder after he realised what Richard had done?
Posted by: Les Read | Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 10:20 PM
Ah, which first...um; Ross, I'm not sure; I have to get the thing launched on iTunes first, and I've forgotten how to do it. And what 1400 pixels means. But maybe 2 weeks?
David, I understand. But look, you need to indulge me. I cannot leave the Anglo Saxon stuff as it is - it's killing me. PROMISE I won't over do it. And I will keep going on the main thread too...
Les, I haven't read the book BUT someone invited me to Say and Sele's place for a magna carta ceremony; I couldn't go! Enormously irritating.
Posted by: The History of England | Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 11:29 PM
The 60 million dollar question about the Staffords in my opinion is this... Was the Stafford knot the inspiration for the pretzel?
Posted by: Les Read | Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 09:55 PM
It cannot be, please!!! I only just found you, and I've been listening to the fall of France (or what became France) and the upcoming Wars of the Roses, and what do you do? You quit! More than that, you threaten us with going back to Anglo Saxon times! What about the Roses? I want to know more about the Roses, and how Richard III was not, after all, such a bad King. In fact, he was more probably a very good king, despite the Tudor and Shalespeare rewriting of history. Oh come on, please take us through the WotR and then glide gently into those heady Tudor adventures, or skip those and go straight to the Civil War!
Please! Thanks in advance.
Posted by: Mike Ellis | Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 08:44 PM
Les, I have no idea! But I'll keep it all in mind and will have an opinion for you when I get there. In a few years time! So remind me!! Pretzel wise, again, dunno. Feeling inadequate. Can I delegate you to find out?
Mike...come on. Indulge me. You'll love it, seriously. But loo, I will not desert you - I am sitting here now, as I write, visiting my mother and I am writing episode 162. Don't worry, I won't desert you. Might let you down slightly, not quite so regular as before...
Posted by: The History of England | Saturday, September 19, 2015 at 10:33 AM